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Why EIU Paris is the Top Choice for Aspiring Data Analysts

Data analyst is probably the most in demand profession today. Research, Marketing, Strategic planning al need to analyze data to build strategies and make productive decisions. Enterprises and SMEs have realized the importance of data analysis and have focused on its usage. Data analysis is vital in understanding target demographics and purchasing habits of a whole region. 


As the importance of data analysis has increased, so has the demand of data analysts. Every organization needs the expertise of a data analyst to increase their outreach and to know if their current business strategy is bringing in results or not. Picking up a right and credible institution is very important if you want to follow this career path. An institution that teaches you the data analyst skill set and increases your job readiness.


The European International University (EIU) Paris is the right institute as it not only teaches you the technical skills for data analyst, but also how to utilize your IT skill and data analysis for better, more productive results. This practical knowledge gives an edge over your competitors in the job market. 

Why is there a growing Demand of Data Analysts?


Before looking into the institutions to learn data analyst skills, it is important to understand that is there a growing demand for data analysts, and if so, why is there this rise in demand?

As per the statistics of the US Bureau of Labor, the hiring of data analysts is bound to increase up to 23% from 2021 to 2023. This is a huge hike when compared to other professions. 


This growing demand is because companies have understood that harnessing the data properly can help them in making informed decisions. This data manipulation is important across the industries. Because of this demand, the salaries for data analyst roles are highly competitive as well. According to Glassdoor, the average annual salary of data analysts is around $82,326 making it a very lucrative profession.

What are the required skills for a data analyst?


The basic foundation of the data analyst’s career is the skills that he learns. Our European course gives students practical hands-on experience about how to use these essential skills or the tools pertaining to them. Some of the technical skills for data analysis are:


-SQL (Structured Query Language): SQL is the basic and most commonly used tool for database management. Understanding SQL is a mandatory skill for any data analyst. This allows them to manage and manipulate large data sets easily.

-Python and R: Python is a relatively new programming language but has become vital for statistical analysis and are widely used to visualize and manipulate data

 – Tools for Data Visualization: Data visualization is very important in data analysis because it makes understanding complex data easier. The popular tools for this are Tableau and Power BI.


According to a recent survey by STack Overflow, 55.9% professional developers consider Python and R and SQL the best and most popular languages for data analysis.

How to build a complete Data analyst skill set:


Learning tools are very important, but this is not all that a data analyst needs. There is a whole data analyst skill set that is more than just technical know how. Our programs also help the students develop the much needed soft skills to become a successful data analyst. These soft skills include:


Critical Thinking: 

Data analysis is not just collecting data or crunching numbers, it is about utilizing that data to make data-driven decisions, interpret results, and recognize latest trends. Our courses are developed to sharpen the students ability to think analytically.



Communication is important in every career but it is especially important in Data Analysis because the analyst has to interact with non-technical people. These are the business leaders and decision makers of the company. Our program teaches the technical data analyst to communicate with others in an effective and productive way.


Solving problems:

Another skill that should come naturally to a data analyst is solving problems with the help of the collected data. The data skill set we teach includes honing their ability to solve problems with the help of data.


To be a good analyst you need to know the data analyst tools and skills. This is very important to be successful in this career. Our graduates are trained to be highly professional and adaptable by mastering these tools and skills.

Data Analytics and IT skills:


IT skills and data analysis are two sides of the same coin. Both are interlinked and overlapping each other. A data analyst has to work with cloud platforms, servers and databases. He needs to have apt IT skills and aptitude to adapt to new IT softwares and platforms. Students studying data analytics are trained in IT fundamentals that helps them in using new technology and understands how data is stored and manipulated.                       


These IT skills include cloud computing, cybersecurity, and database management. A data analyst must know these skills to ensure data privacy, accuracy, health, and integrity. As per a recent report by Deloitte, data security and IT infrastructure are becoming vital for data professionals in the current business ecosystem.

Data Analyst Tools and Skills as per the industry:


We believe in going out and beyond to arm our students with real world solutions and data analysis tools and skills. The curriculum is designed under the guidance of industry experts to ensure that the students are job ready and relevant.


Here are some of the tools we teach:


Excel: Excel is the standard and foundation for data storage, organization, cleaning , and initial analysis. 

Big Data Technologies: Tools like Hadoop and Spark are part of the essentials for working with large data sets. It is also one of the important and required skills for a data analyst.

Latest Techniques for Machine Learning: AI and machine learning are so dynamic right now that it is difficult to keep up. But to enhance the capability of predictive analysis, we teach our students the basics of machine learning and its algorithms.


Why Choose Bradford International Alliance?


Bradford International Alliance is the perfect place for everyone looking for undergraduate and graduate courses in data analysis. EIU Paris data Analysis programs offered through Bradford offers all the required skills for data analysis including data wrangling, statistical analysis, data visualization, and machine learning etc. These skills are vital to meet the current industry expectations.


Our transparency, integrity and honesty has earned us the prestigious membership of ACBSP. We are also proud winners of Prime awards for innovation and excellence in education.


So, why choose EIU Paris with Bradford? Other than the world-class curriculum, Bradford facilitates its students every step of their academic journey. You get blended study options and flexible payment plans with continuous academic support from us. 


So why wait? Start today…..Enroll now! See you at Bradford dreams turn to reality.


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